IVC Financial Quick Check for Startups
Analysis and valuation of startups and innovative business models poses a particular challenge for investors. Restricted availability of historical financial statement data as well as uncertain future prospects heavily complicate the prediction of future earnings potentials. Thus, such an investment regularly implies high risks on the one hand, but on the other hand offers enormous growth potentials.
With its “Financial Quick Check” IVC provides potential investors with a solution to gain a profound and targeted insight into the financial situation of a young businesses:
- Clear and focused analysis of actual financial data
- Analysis of market potentials and competition overview
- Identification of fundamental and significant value drivers
- Business plan / budgeting plausibility check and/or simulation-based preparation of planned figures / budget
- Indicative valuations based on various valuation methods focused on startups and young businesses
- Reconciliation of the company value to share values following the analysis of upcoming financing rounds
In doing so IVC draws on extensive and longstanding expertise in the field of valuation and corporate analysis.
Do you want to learn more about our Financial Quick Check? Do not hesitate to contact us!