Restructuring & Insolvency
- restructuring capability analysis
- market and competition analysis
- insolvency plans
- restructuring concepts
- integrated financial and solvency plans
- planning tools for continued existence forecasts
- Monte Carlo simulations
- modelling based on clients` individual interests
- valuation of highly indebted companies
- valuation of distressed debt
- valuation in case of debt-to-equity-swaps
- certificates according to § 270 InsO (IDW S 9)
- examination of the existence of reasons for the filing for bankrubtcy according to IDW S 11
Consulting & Execution
support in measures for restructuring / conceiving concepts for restructuring / consulting in the course of strategic and operative restructuring
district court / expert opinion
As part of a court procedure, IVC audits the presence of any insolvency and subsequent legal issues regarding liabilities exceeding the assets
IVC checks the existence of a possible inability to pay and insolvency overindebtedness in a start-up.
IVC valuates the Sympatex Technologies GmbH in the light of a planned debt relief.
Contact partner

Dr. Lars Franken / Partner
Phone +49 (201) 31 04 83-85