IVC Base rate tool

The IDW’s Technical Committee for Business Valuation and Business Administration (FAUB) recommends using yield curves and the Bundesbank’s corresponding estimates based on the Svensson method to derive the base rate. The results presented above are obtained using the data provided by the Deutsche Bundesbank, different typified growth rates of financial surpluses and application of the calculation methodology recommended by the FAUB (for details see Dörschell/Franken/Schulte, Der Kapitalisierungszinssatz in der Unternehmensbewertung, 2nd edition, Düsseldorf 2012, p. 50ff.) For the purposes of the calculation, the spot rate of the 30th year was taken as a constant for the following years.

Disclaimer (non-binding translation, see German site for binding version): The IVC Base rate tool is a free service provided by IVC Independent Valuation & Consulting Aktiengesellschaft Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, which can be used without concluding a contract. The results must be checked and we do not accept any liability for incorrect calculations. The IVC Base rate tool does not replace a valuation report.