Successor arrangement
We support our clients in the search of successors not only through our experience and our professional advice, but also through the easing of the burden experienced by you and your employees in such transaction processes so that our clients can concentrate on their operating business in order to avoid any possible neglect of their operative business. Furthermore, our neutrality and objectivity may help you avoid mistakes in your decision making due to any existing close connections to your family and employees. We could also take the role of mediator in conflicts between several shareholders and/or family members.
Our preparation of successor arrangements usually starts with an individual analysis of goals that the entrepreneur, his/her shareholders and other important influencers (e.g. spouses and children of the entrepreneur or other family members who are involved) want to achieve during this transaction. We then create a realistic description of the business risks and chances as well as a realistic evaluation of the sales price. After that we commence the search for the “objectively best” possible successor. Nowadays, it is hard to find suitable successors and that is why the search should consist of a broad range and be systematic. Therefore, all possible successors need to be examined and should include potential successors from an internal point of view (e.g. Management Buy-outs) as well as external solutions (Management Buy-ins, sale to a strategic and/or financial investor).
The success rate of these arrangements could clearly be increased if they were addressed early enough, thoroughly prepared and executed with the much needed experience and perception for every individual situation.