Daniel Dettmer-Prause
Senior Manager
IVC Independent
Valuation & Consulting AG WPGGirardetstraße 245131 Essen
Mr. Dettmer-Prause provides our clients with comprehensive support in all matters relating to compliance, controlling and reporting as well as financial processes.
Further, Daniel advises public clients on municipal tasks, in particular on updating separate wastewater charges and the appropriate allocation of wastewater costs to cost units.
He carries out fee calculations in accordance with municipal tax law for the areas of waste, wastewater, cemeteries, street cleaning and drinking water on a state-specific basis.
He also advises on contribution calculations in accordance with municipal tax law and building law. In addition to the annual updating of municipal fixed assets, he is familiar with the preparation of the annual financial statements of municipal companies under commercial law.
Professional activities
- IVC Independent Valuation & Consulting AG WPG, Essen
- Baker Tilly Consulting GmbH, Düsseldorf
- ISS Facility Services Holding GmbH, Düsseldorf (Group controlling)
- Ernst & Young GmbH, Essen (auditing)
- Diplom-Kaufmann (University of Duisburg-Essen)