IVC PS: Higher Administrative Court NRW
Higher Administrative Court NRW puts the approach of depreciations according to replacement values regarding the calculation of charges to the test. In the course of the 17th waste water symposium in Münster the presiding judge oft he 9th senate of HAC, Dr. Annette Kleinschnittger, has announced that the HAC wants to examine the previous practice of the approach of depreciations according to replacement values regarding the municipal calculation of charges. At the same time the approach of imputed interests, which are allowed to be included in the calculation with a maximum hight of 6% at present, is supposed to be scrutinized concerning the long-running low-interest phase. Though the condition therefore is that a case would be fought up to the HAC and thus the court can deal with the issue. To which outcome the HAC would conclude, if the previous practice was reassessed, is not predictable at the present moment in accordance with the explanations of Ms Kleinschnittger.