Consulting, assessor activities and feasibility studies
IVC Public Services consults communities when they plan to reorganize or even expand their areas of responsibility (e.g. establishing an independent supply network) and also analyses the feasibility of these projects as well as supports their implementation.
If some areas are assigned to external third parties, IVC Public Services helps and consults you during this complicated process, where different framework needs to be considered and extensive experience is needed.
We also provide our services in other areas:
Asset valuation
Correct valuation of assets for the annual financial statement and fee calculations in accordance to municipal fiscal law.
Feasibility studies
Feasibility studies in the use of financial resources in administration or municipal businesses.
Optimization reports
We examine operating areas and municipal businesses and provide guidance to optimize processes and reduce costs.
Other reports
If requested we also provide other reports, e.g. a due diligence-examination in the course of investments in municipal businesses or public institutions.